Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reading List

Book Title
Karate-Do, My Way of Life
Gichin Funakoshi
Stories of Okinawan karate's forefathers and martial arts philosophies from the founder of Shotokan Karate.
Must own!
My Journey With The Grandmaster
Bill Hayes
Major Bill Hayes recounts his experiences in karate training while stationed on Okinawa as a US Marine following a tour of duty in Vietnam with Eizo Shimabukuro.
Must own!
Shotokan's Secret: The Hidden Truth Behind Karate's Fighting Origins
Bruce D. Clayton
In-depth history of Shotokan's masters including contributions to the art and in-depth analysis of Shuri kata and techniques.
Must own!
The Unfettered Mind
Takuan Soho
Takuan's writing is light on sword-handling and heavy on the spiritual side.
Must own!
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
The most influential of all samurai treatises ever written.
Must own!
Kaibara Ekiken
Life lessons from a samurai.
Must own!
The Book of Five Rings
Miyamoto Musashi
Musashi's work should be studied, not simply read.
Must own!
Shotokan's Secret; Second Edition
Bruce D. Clayton
Includes extended history and more bunkai for defending a sword barehanded.Must own!
The Twenty Guiding Principles of KarateGichin Funakoshi
Guide to the spiritual practice of karate.Must own!

The Essence of Okinawan Karate-Do
Shoshin Nagamine
History of Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu including step-by-step walkthroughs of kata by Matsubayashi grandmaster Nagamine.
Must own!
Okinawan Karate: Teachers, Styles and Secret Techniques
Mark Bishop
History and current information on many styles of Okinawan karate and kobudo. Includes detailed lineage charts and accounts from some of karate's current and past masters.
Must own!
Tao of Jeet Kune Do
Bruce Lee
Practical fighting techniques and martial arts philosophy from Bruce Lee.
Must own!
The Bubishi, The Classical Manual of Combat
Patrick McCarthy
Ancient document of combat tradition and Chinese medicine handed down through karate's greatest masters.
Must own!
H2H: Hand To Hand Combat
Greg Thompson & Kid Peligro
An extensive guide on combat techniques and training exercises.
Must own!
The Fighter's Body
Loren W. Christensen & Wim Demeere
A complete guide to nutrition and exercises for the martial arts.
Must own!
Ultimate Flexibility
Sang H. Kim
The ultimate guide to stretching and increasing flexibility. Includes sets of stretches most effective for certain training sessions.
Must own!
Master Class Karate
Fay Goodman
A detailed guide to weapons, techniques, stretches and history of Aikido, Ju-Jitsu, Judo and Shotokan karate.
Must own!
The Art of War Sun Tzu
The Swiss army knife of military theory.

Must own!

Pressure Point Fighting
Rick Clark
How and when to use pressure points in combat situations. Includes bunkai of Shuri kata and lists of vital points.
Worth reading.
The Essence of Karate
Gichin Funakoshi
Funakoshi creates a narrative of karate, from it's origins to it's very essence.
Worth reading.
The Spirit of Okinawan Karate
Fusei Kise
A biography and history of Hanshi Kise and his dojo.
Worth readind.
Okinawan Karate-Do
OSMKKF (Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Matsumura Seito Karate Kobudo Federation)
A history of Matsumura Seito Shorin-Ryu.
Worth reading.
Practical Kung Fu
Waysun "Johnny" Tsai
An extensive guide to fast and effective street fighting self-defense.
Worth reading.
The Ultimate Guide To Conditioning
Mark Hatmaker
Illustrated book of strength training and core workouts to enhance your martial arts training.
Worth reading.
Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: Self-Defense Techniques
Bruce Lee & M. Uyehara
Effective street self-defense techniques anyone can learn.
Decent read.
The Karate Way, Discovering the Spirit of Practice
Dave Lowry
Martial arts philosophy and answers to your questions on the Way.
Decent read.
Karate's Grappling Methods
Iain Abernathy

Okinawa: Island of Karate
George Alexander

Shotokan Karate: A Precise History
Harry Cook

Karate-Do Kyohan
Gichin Funakoshi

Karate-Do Nyumon
Gichin Funakoshi

To-Te Justu
Gichin Funakoshi

The Weaponless Warriors
Richard Kim

Isshinryu Kusanku Kata Secrets Revealed
Javier Martinez

Isshinryu Chinto Kata Secrets Revealed
Javier Martinez

Isshinryu Naihanchi Kata Secrets Revealed
Javier Martinez

The Classical Kata of Okinawan Karate.
Patrick McCarthy

Unante, The Secrets of Karate
John Sells

Karate's History and Traditions
Bruce Haines

Ancient Okinawan Martial Arts
Patrick McCarthy

The Essential Karate Book
Graeme Lund

Tales of Okinawa's Great Masters
Shoshin Nagamine

The Way to Black Belt
Lawrence Kayne

Bunkai Jutsu
Iain Abernathy

The Life-Giving Sword
Yagyu Munenori

History and Traditions of Okinawan Karate
Tetsuhiro Hokama

Karate Do Dai Kan
Genwa Nakasone

Three Budo Masters
John Stevens

Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do
Eiichi Miyazato

Perfection of Character
Teruyuki Okazaki

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